Workshop Celebrating the 25th Anniversary

Workshop Celebrating the 25th Anniversary

MSTelcom held on August 1, 2024, at the Sonangol Building, a Workshop with the aim of presenting the balance of the 1st semester, as well as holding a lecture on the theme Professional Ethics and Urbanity in the Labor Ecosystem.

During the opening speech, CEO Felisberta de Jesus began by congratulating and praising the group of employees for their commitment, dedication and the contribution they made and continue to make towards the development and growth of the company. The CEO took the moment to thank, on behalf of all employees, the members of the founding group, for their persistence and selflessness. Along this path, reaffirmed commitment to continue working so that the company continues to provide a quality service and be increasingly closer to its customers.

It is important to highlight that during the event, certificates were awarded to employees with 10 years of MSTelcom, the results of the 1st Semester of 2024 were presented and also the expectations and challenges for the 2nd Semester were discussed.

The event was also attended by motivational speaker Venancio Vicente, who appealed to those present about the need to cultivate good coexistence practices among employees in the company when carrying out work activities.

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